Tuesday, March 13, 2012

things that go "meh-eh-eh-eh" in the night...

   We recently added two boer mix poled nannies and three bucklings to the family farm.  They're so new, we dont have names for them yet.
We took one mama and baby because the baby is injured , and is the only survivor of the mama's triplets.
The other mother has twin boys.  I have no idea what i was thinking in getting 3 boys!
Right now, they're cute as buttons; but in a few months?  yuck.

So, we were resting peacefully after getting them settled in to their new home, and we put the respective babies and mothers together.  That's when i noticed some foot problems on the injured baby's "good" feet.
The poor little guy tries to make it around ok, but gets bumped and butted and trampled alot,so we separated them.

Or, so we thought.

After erecting field fence and lattice work panels, setting out separate feed stations and making two separate baby cubbies, we left them to play and frolic and explore.

Right about the time we were cheading to bed later that evening, we heard, -something.  It sounded like, thumps?  bumps?  What in the world?
and WHERE was it coming from?!
I searched and searched; no "invading cats"(we have a broken window they keep trying to get in through), no rooster fights, Ferrets still in their cage.- hmmmm. I even counted sleepy head human kids, and looked in the cabinets for rats. (!)  -everything accounted for. Hmmmmm.

The next morning, around light, we were feeding the animals and one of my little boys runs over, "Mom! Mom!  the white and brown nanny broke through the panels and is with the brown mamma and hurt baby!"

Well, i thought the worst.  Mom two was trying to take Mom one's baby;  Mom two decided Mom one's baby was a threat; maybe in "break out" one of them got hurt?

I ran to look and their little head snapped up from eating and looked at me, in my frantic state, like i just fell off mars.  They were just peachy.  All of them.  And I, was the one who'd lost it.

Goats.  gotta love 'em. (or go insane. lol)

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